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TitleEnvironmental Monitoring of 134Cs and 137Cs levels for river water and sediment collected in Namie Town in 2018 and 2019.
Author 1Tokonami, S.
Author 2Hosoda, M.
Author 3Tamakuma, Y.
Author 4Hegedus, M.
Authors 5-Ogura, K., Ploykrathok, T., Shiroma, Y., Iwaoka, K., Yamada, R., Tsujiguchi, T., Yamaguchi, M., Suzuki, T., Tazoe, H., Akata, N., Kashiwakura, I.
SubjectLakes & Rivers
AbstractThe Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident caused a release of radionuclides covering a significant area in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. In the current work the radio-caesium concentrations observed in some points of Namie Town between 2018. June. and 2019. September in river water, and river sediment are being presented. The observed concentrations were up to for 205.9 ± 9 mBq/L for 137Cs in unfiltered water, while the sediment had a maximum of 4041 ± 2 Bq/kg-dry for 137Cs. In many cases the water and aerosol samples had activity concentrations below the detection limit. These values decreased compared to the year 2017 for the same area. This work was supported by Research on the Health Effects of Radiation organized by Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Temporal coverageJune 5, 2018~September 3, 2019
Spatial coverageLand N37.4749, E1409740 and N37.4989, E141.0066
File formatDelimited
Discovery metadata record 
PublisherCenter for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba
Publication year2020
Publication date25th of Dec., 2020
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)doi: 10.34355/IREM.Hirosaki.U.00027 Data Download (22KB)
Short DOI 
Citation textTokonami et al. (2020) Environmental Monitoring of 134Cs and 137Cs levels for river water and sediment collected in Namie Town in 2018 and 2019, IREM, Hirosaki University, doi: 10.34355/IREM.Hirosaki.U.00027
Serial at center00027
Serial at each Univ./InstituteHIRO00004
Key word 1137Cs
Key word 2134Cs
Key word 3River water
Key word 4River sediment
Key word 5 

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