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TitleHAMGlobal2021: Historical Artificial radioactivity database in Marine environment, Global integrated version 2021
Author 1Aoyama, Michio
A time - longitude plot, a Hovmoller diagram, for 4000 days since 11 March 2011 in a longitude band between 140 deg, E to 120 deg. W (260 deg.E) in the Pacific Ocean.
A time – longitude plot, a Hovmoller diagram, for 4000 days since 11 March 2011
in a longitude band between 140 deg, E to 120 deg. W (260 deg.E) in the Pacific Ocean
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AbstractThis dataset consists of 163260 records of Historical Artificial radioactivity concentration data in the global ocean. The main target radionuclides are 134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr, and 3H. In addition, 89Sr, 239+240Pu, 241Am, and 14C data are also included. Other than the published data mentioned above, the author also adds 665 data which is currently unpublished, then these 665 data is encrypted until March 2022. In this new version of the HAMGlobal2021 dataset, 23432 records are originated from HAMGlobal2019, doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00001, those were published in 2019. A total of 7789 new records is collected by the author during the period from 2019 to 2021. Recently, IAEA updated Maris by the scientists who collaborated with IAEA. 33433 records that were not duplicated with HAM are downloaded and reformatted to fit HAMGlobal2021. The author published 121 observed data at the Fukushima coast as doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00030, doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00032 in 2020 and include them in HAMGlobal2021. For the 89 observed data at Hasaki, Ibaraki is included in HAMglobal2021, too. The author also published TEPCO monitoring and Japanese government monitoring data as doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00024 and doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00083 in 2021. These two datasets include 27341 and 4015 records, respectively, and are included in HAMGlobal2021. All of the data mentioned here are combined into one dataset and the total number of the records is 96286. For the tritium data, the author also combined the published dataset, and 67040 records of tritium are collected and in the HAMGlobal2021. Finally, HAMGlobal2021 dataset consists of 163326 records and is subjected to be searched in ERAN database cite. Since the HAMGlobal2021 dataset is designed and formatted as database friendly, the user itself also can import this HAMGlobal dataset into the user’s database software and retrieve the data that is needed by the user. Other than the published data mentioned above, the author also adds 665 data which is currently unpublished, then these 665 data is encrypted until March 2022.
Temporal coverage1953-2021
Spatial coverageGlobal Ocean ( 68°S to 89°N, 0° to 360° in glon)
File formatDelimited
Discovery metadata record 
PublisherCenter for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba
Publication year2021
Publication date27th of August, 2021
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00085 Data Download (5,612KB)
Short DOI 
Citation textAoyama, M. (2021) HAMGlobal2021: Historical Artificial radioactivity database in Marine environment, Global version 2021, Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba, doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00085
Serial at center00085
Serial at each Univ./InstituteTSUK00031
Key word 1Global Ocean
Key word 2137Cs
Key word 3134Cs
Key word 4strontium90
Key word 5tritium
RemarksA cross-reference table between MRIREFNO in a main body regarding HAMglobal2021 data and the actual reference information for that data is attached in a dataset download package.
Remarks2137Cs activity concentration in HAMGlobal2021 of which MRIREFNOs are Livingston1985, Casso1984, Bowen1982, Livingston1984, and Livingston1985b are one-tenth of the correct value due to incorrect conversion factor from dpm/100 kg to Bq m-3. A data file in this download package of 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00085 is corrected. Please also read the correction notice document in the download package, too.
Remarks3Marine Ecology Research Institute reported that some of the tritium analysis results conducted in the period of 2017 - 2020 and published in the survey reports were incorrect. Hence, some of the tritium data in HAMglobal 2021, 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00085, are also incorrect. The 142 of tritium activity concentration data were corrected by MERI’s report. For 102 of 142 records both activity concentration and uncertainty were corrected, for 30 of 142 records only activity concentration were corrected and 10 of 142 records only uncertainty were corrected. A data file in this download package of 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00085 is corrected. Please also read the correction notice document in the download package, too.
Remarks4One of the users of this dataset reported to the author that she found precipitation data were included in this dataset on 16 November 2021. The author checked data type in the downloaded data from Maris, IAEA, and found that 66 records are data for precipitation, lake water, river water, and beach underground water. Therefore, the author deleted these 66 records from HAMglobal 2021. Following the deletion, the total number of records is 163260.

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