
Evrard, O.; Patin, J.; Lefèvre, I.; Chartin, C.; Ayrault, S.; Bonté, Ph.; Onda, Y., Tracing the dispersion of sediment contaminated with fallout radionuclides along the main rivers draining the contaminated plume in Fukushima Prefecture (Japan), EGU General Assembly 2012

Patin J., Onda Y., Yoda H., Kato H., Small Scale Assessment of Spatial and Vertical Redistribution of Fukushima Fallouts Radiocaesium in Contaminated Soil Using in-situ HPGe Gamma Ray Spectrometry, AGU Fall Meeting, 2011, Oral presentation, Dec. 9

Patin J., Ribolzi O., Mugler C.,Valentin C., Mouche E., Runoff production in a small agricultural catchment in Lao PDR: influence of slope, land-use and observation scale, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, Poster