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TitleDataset of 2178 articles published regarding environmental radioactivity : research fields of seawater, sediment & particles, biota, modeling works, atmosphere, land-ocean, reactor, analytical methods, freshwater, forest, plant, deposition, soil and policy_actions, and published during the period from 1955 to 2022.
Author 1Aoyama, Michio
Author 2 
Author 3 
Author 4 
Author 5 
Author 6 
Subject_sub2Lakes&Rivers, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Ecology, Fisheries, Biology
AbstractThis dataset is a list of 2178 articles that were published regarding environmental radioactivity during the period from 1955 to 2022 which are collected and compiled by the author. These articles were published with DOI or other identifiers. This dataset contains 1221 articles together with 604 articles from doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.TSUKUBA.00037 and 352 articles from doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.TSUKUBA.00038. Therefore, this dataset can cover the articles published regarding environmental radioactivity more widely. This article list consists the articles in the field of 14 categories, seawater, sediment & particles, biota, modelling works, atmosphere, land-ocean, reactor, analytical methods, fresh water, forest, plant, deposition, soil and policy_actions. The numbers of articles in each category are 542 in seawater, 324 in sediment & particles, 386 in biota, 236 in modelling works, 339 in atmosphere, 32 in land-ocean, 70 in reactor, 155 in analytical methods, 227 in fresh water, 98 in forest, 179 in plant, 146 in deposition, 320 in soil and 33 in policy_actions. The author thanks Naoko Otani for her work to make the completed formatted list published.
Temporal coverage1955-2022
Spatial coveragenot applied
File formatDelimited
Discovery metadata record 
PublisherCenter for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba
Publication year2022
Publication date12th of August, 2022
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00039 Data Download (241KB)
Short DOI 
Citation textAoyama, M. (2022) Dataset of 2178 articles published regarding environmental radioactivity : research fields of seawater, sediment & particles, biota, modeling works, atmosphere, land-ocean, reactor, analytical methods, freshwater, forest, plant, deposition, soil and policy_actions, and published during the period from 1955 to 2022., doi: 10.34355/CRiED.U.TSUKUBA.00039
Serial at center00039
Serial at each Univ./InstituteTSUK00028
Key word 1Fukushima accident
Key word 2ocean
Key word 3atmopshere
Key word 4land
Key word 5biota
Key word 6forest

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