
Sun XC, Onda Y, Kato H, Otsuki K, Gomi T, 2014. Partitioning of the total evapotranspiration in a Japanese cypress plantation during the growing season. Ecohydrology, 7(3), 1042-1053. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1428

Sun XC, Onda Y, Kato H, 2014. Incident rainfall partitioning and canopy interception modeling for an abandoned Japanese cypress stand. Journal of Forest Research, 19(3), 317-328. DOI: 10.1007/s10310-013-0421-2

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Sun XC, Onda Y, Kato H, Otsuki K, Gomi T, 2013. Partitioning the contributions of canopy interception, forest stand and understory vegetation groundcover for evaluating evapotranspiration in a Japanese cypress plantations during the growing season. Ecohydrology, In review.

Ding XW, Zhang SG, Sun XC, Zhao WL, Gao ZJ, 2010. Experimental study on applying BioFan to cultivate Penaeus vannamei. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 26(8):130-135.

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