Center for Research in Radiation, Isotopes, and Earth System Sciences, University of TSUKUBA: Radionuclides Environmental Transfer Section


NHK Fukushima:Hamanaka Aizu Today-Report(2021/02/08)
NHK:Ohayo NIPPON(2021/02/04)
Al Jazeera English:Fukushima forests found to be radioactive (2013/03/10)
TBS:Special TV Program on Eastern Japan Earthquake (2012/09/17)
ASAHI:HODO Station (2012/08/22)
ASAHI Newstar:Science ASAHI (2011/12/22)
NHK:Ohayo NIPPON (2011/09/14)
NHK:Jiron Koron (2011/09/14)
TBS:Special TV Program on Eastern Japan Earthquake (2011/09/11)
NHK:IBARAKI waiwai Studio (2006/09/04)
NHK:Ohayo NIPPON the Metropolitan area (2006/09/01)
NHK ETV:Science ZERO,Environmental Series(1)(2005/06/04)
NHK Radio Daiichi:Radio Midnight News(2004/10/15)

Press release(Articles in Japanese)

福島第一原発電所事故後の森林生態系で 放射性セシウムの自浄作用効果を解明(2024/6/21)

Newspapers & Media

2023/09/06 YOMIURI Shinbun, Fukushima local edition(Article in Japanese) リスクを見つめる:伐採で森林の線量低下 従来の除染 効果薄まる
2021/12/12 YOMIURI Shinbun(Article in Japanese) Science Report:放射性物質 森林に滞留 都市部ほど減少早く
2021/03/07 JIJI 放射能影響、早期に低減 地中へ移行、河川流出少なく―筑波大など・福島原発事故
2021/01/29 NIKKEI SANGYO Shinbun Earth Shin-chouryu(Article in Japanese):放射能汚染の修復 道半ば 科学踏まえ福島復興策を
2020/11/30 AKAHATA Shinbun Science(Article in Japanese):福島原発事故から10年 陸域セシウムの動き みえてきた
2020/11/16 NIKKEI Shinbun(Article in Japanese):福島原発事故の放出状況を分析
2020/10/29 ASAHI Shinbun (Article in Japanese):福島の放射能濃度低下、チェルノブイリより早く 筑波大
2020/10/29 JAPAN ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM (Article in Japanese):筑波大他、福島の環境回復をチェルノブイリと比較し分析
2020/10/28 NIKKAN KOGYO Shimbun(Article in Japanese) :福島第一原発、セシウム量が急速に減少 筑波大など、放射性物質の動き検証
2020/10/28 FUKUSHIMA Minyu (Article in Japanese):福島県内「環境回復」...大幅に速く チェルノブイリと『比較』
2020/09/17 ASAHI Shinbun (Article in Japanese): 福島第一原発から出たセシウムはどこへ みえてきた現実
2020/02/21 The Science News (Article in Japanese):チェルノブイリ原発周辺 森林火災跡地の地表流で放射性物質の再拡散発生
2020/01/22 University Journal (Article in Japanese):チェルノブイリ原発周辺、地表流で放射性物質が再拡散
2020/01/22 JAPAN ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM (Article in Japanese):福島大・筑波大、チェルノブイリ森林火災跡地の「地表流」による放射性物質拡散で研究成果
2020/01/17 NNA Europe (Article in Japanese):チェルノブイリ原発跡地で放射能が再拡散
2020/01/16 NIKKEI Shinbun (Article in Japanese):福島大・筑波大・JST、チェルノブイリ原発周辺の森林火災跡地で放射性物質を含む土砂移動が起こっていることを解明
2020/01/16 KankyoTenboudai by NIES (Article in Japanese):福島大など、チェルノブイリにおける放射性物質を含む土砂移動を解明
2020/01/16 Tsukuba Science News (Article in Japanese):チェルノブイリ原発周辺の森林火災跡地では地表流が起こりやすい
2013/01/24 NIHON SUIDO Shinbun:The future of water in the next 50 years, CREST "Innovative Technology and System for Sustainable Water Use"
2012/12/04 NIKKEI Shinbun:Science&Tech.Flash- Research base of radiological influence
2012/11/23 MAINICHI Newspaper: Eastern Japan Earthquake- Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident: University of Tsukuba established "Center for Research in Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics" to trace the radioactive contamination.
2012/10/12 FUKUSHIMA Minyu: Severe "70% of prefectural land" we have no clue how long it will take to complete the decontamination of our forest.
2012/09/26 ASAHI Newspaper (Ibaraki Metropolitan Area): Needs for contaminated waste treatment plant- public announcement of date to residents reccomended by Prof. Onda, University of Tsukuba
2012/09/11 ASAHI Newspaper: A year and half memorial of Eastern Japan Earthquake: Continue the fight against radioactive contamination
2012/03/14 MAINICHI Newspaper: Caesium in the bottom sediments of the dam, about 10 times the concentration of neighbor- Horai dam, FUKUSHIMA
2012/03/14 TOKYO Newspaper: Rain cannot decontaminate radionuclides. Study Team-Only 2% per year at most
2012/03/13 MAINICHI Newspaper: Radioactive material in the mud at the bottom of the dam: flow into river with rain and concentrated?
2012/03/01 SANKEI Newspaper: Fear of fixing Cesium/ Urgent need of forest decontamination in Fukushima
2012/02/05 YOMIURI Newspaper: Ability to measure implementation, the proficiency testing will be in force.
2012/02/04 ASAHI Newspaper: Sample to provide accurate measurement of radioactivity / Variability of soil measurement calibration
2012/02/04 MAINICHI Newspaper: Fukushima NPP : Standard sample of radioactive material to improve measurement accuracy -Distributed by University of Tsukuba
2012/01/27 Newton: A chain of earthquake islands and Nuclear Power Plant 「Report on pollution status in forests」
2012/01/15 YOMIURI Newspaper: Diffusion of radioactive material by Japan-France Research -Attention to the movement of water and soil
2011/09/29 SUIDO Sangyo Shinbun: Development of Innovative Technologies for Increasing in Watershed Runoff and Improving River Environment by the Management Practice of Devastated Forest Plantation
2011/09/14 ASAHI Newspaper: 90% of Cesium will be decreased by removing fallen leaves -Clue to the decontamination of forest
2011/09/14 YOMIURI Newspaper: Radioactive cesium has fallen to the forest -deposited 50 to 90% on fallen leaves and branches
2011/09/13 KYODO News: Forest Radioactive Contamination- Accumulation on the leaf and ground surface: significant difference between ceder and broadleaved tree
2011/08/18 NIHON SUIDO Shinbun: Development of Innovative Technologies for Increasing in Watershed Runoff and Improving River Environment by the Management Practice of Devastated Forest Plantation
2006/01/27 MAINICHI Newspaper: Artificial coniferous forests are 30% of water-retentive broad-leaved tree -The university research team causes a stir in a flood control discussion
2005/07/16 ASAHI Newspaper:MADO-from Editorialist room-,Rain in the forest
2004/10/16 YOMIURI Newspaper:Forest→Heavy Rain→Flooding -Experiment at large facilities
2004/10/16 THE JAPAN AGRICULTURAL NEWS: Explore the mechanism of flooding
2004/10/16 IBARAKI Newspaper: Artificial rain in forest for flood assessment
2004/10/16 TOKYO Newspaper: To experiment with, such as forest rainfall distribution

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