Environmental Dynamics & Prediction

Aims to explain the transfer processes of radioactive substances on both regional and global scales through modeling, simulation, and measurement of material and water transfer in water and atmospheric environments.


Topic1 Atmospheric water cycle and radioactive substance diffusion

This section utilizes high-resolution atmospheric models to estimate diffusion and deposition processes and contamination risks for radioactive substances using three approaches. (1) Short-term precipitation prediction by incorporating meteorological radar data, (2) stochastic estimation of the atmospheric environment by long-term simulations, and (3) modeling of diffusion and deposition processes.

Topic2 Forest floor –atmosphere processes in forests

This section investigates forests reported to have radioactive cesium levels comparatively higher than those detected in dry fields or on the school grounds. In addition, it seeks to predict and understand the behavior of radioactive substances through observations at the forest floor and to apply simulations of isotope transport.

Topic3 Sediment transport process

This section has various hydraulic laboratory equipments and is capable of performing analog tests related to the dynamics of fine sediment particles that easily trap radioactive substances. The tests contribute to achieving higher levels of accuracy in predicting dynamics of radiative substances by: understanding transport of sediments and radioactive substances in river and coastal environment, and providing various parameters in numerical models.

Topic4 Weather and hydrological observation data

Long term observations of the weather and hydrological elements have been performed since 1977 and related data have been published on the CRiED’s website.

Past Projects

JALPSJALPS(Japanese Alps Inter-University Cooperative Project)

RAISEThe Rangelands Atmosphere-Hydrosphere-Biosphere Interaction Study Experiment in Northeastern Asia

IRENEIRENE IReNe project aims to explore “Intellectual Resources and Needs” and to put them to practical use in iternational cooperation.

JKKTsukuba Eco-Action time


Radiation Safety Management Division & Radioisotope Research Section


Radionuclides Environmental Transfer Section

Office:1-1-1 A-405 Tennodai TSUKUBA, IBARAKI 305-8572
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Environmental Dynamics & Prediction Section

Office:1-1-1 Tennodai TSUKUBA, IBARAKI 305-8572
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Radioactive Environmental Dynamics / Impact Assessment Network Joint Research Center

Advanced Human Resources Development Project (ENEP) that supports nuclear emergency response and radioactive waste treatment / disposal