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Selected for the “2024 Best Paper Award” by the Botanical Society of Japan
The paper “Starch-dependent sodium accumulation in the leaves of Vigna riukiuensis” by Yusaku Noda of QST (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology), an ERAN researcher, and his collaborators was selected for the 2024 Best Paper Award by the Botanical Society of Japan.
The gist of the paper is that one of the salt-tolerant species, Vigna riukiuensis, accumulates high amount of sodium in the leaves and its tolerance was derived from the Na-trapping system by starch granules. Please take a look.
Starch-dependent sodium accumulation in the leaves of Vigna riukiuensis, Yusaku Noda, Atsushi Hirose, Mayumi Wakazaki, Mayuko Sato, Kiminori Toyooka, Naoki Kawachi, Jun Furukawa, Keitaro Tanoi & Ken Naito, Journal of Plant Research, Volume 136, pages 705–714, (2023), DOI:10.1007/s10265-023-01470-8
Selected as the cover of the journal “Analytical Chemistry”
A paper titled “Rapid Method To Determine 137Cs, 237Np, and Pu Isotopes in Seawater by SF-ICP-MS” published by ERAN member was selected as the cover of the journal “Analytical Chemistry”.
The gist of the paper is that they established a chemical separation method for minute amounts of artificial radionuclides Np, Pu, and Cs in seawater, and succeeded in quantifying the concentration of Np-237 in Pacific seawater off the coast of Fukushima for the first time in the world. Please take a look.
Shuai Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Guosheng Yang, Jian Zheng, Shaoming Pan, Tatsuo Aono, and Aya Sakaguchi, Rapid Method To Determine 137Cs, 237Np, and Pu Isotopes in Seawater by SF-ICP-MS, Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 46, 16892–16901, DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02702
A wide-area prediction model for transpiration of cypress plantations using remote sensing
A paper and research content by ERAN 2023 member Prof. Takashi Gomi of Nagoya University, Prof. Yuichi Onda of the University of Tsukuba, Asahi Hashimoto, and others was released in the press.
Hashimoto, A., Chiu, C., Onda, Y., Tateishi, M., Tsuruta, K., Gomi, T., Satellite remote sensing model for estimating canopy transpiration in cypress plantation using in situ sap flow observations and forest inventory, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2023.11.009 (P-23-04)
※PRESS RELEASE (PDF) Jump to University of Tsukuba website!
A paper was published in “Scientific Data”
The paper “Concurrent datasets on land cover and river monitoring in Fukushima decontaminated catchment during 2013–2018” by Dr. Bin Feng and Professor Onda of the University of Tsukuba was published.【DOI】10.1038/s41597-023-02452-0
This paper is based on four datasets published by ERAN Database in 2022. (DOI:10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00146, 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00147, 10.34355/CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00148, 10.34355 /CRiED.U.Tsukuba.00155)
They introduce all leaked data, GIS vector data, and remote sensing data from the paper published in Nature Sustainability.
Selected as the cover of the journal “Breeding Science”
The paper “Diversity of Na+ allocation in salt-tolerant species of the genus Vigna” by ERAN 2019 recipient Yusaku Noda (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology) and Jun Furukawa (University of Tsukuba) and colleagues has been published and selected for the cover of the latest issue of the journal ” Breeding Science”, the journal in which the paper was published. Please take a look.
Diversity of Na+ allocation in salt-tolerant species of the genus Vigna, Noda, Y., Sugita, R., Hirose, A., Kawachi, N., Tanoi, K., Furukawa, J. and Naito, K., Breeding Science, 2022, DOI:10.1270/jsbbs.22012 (Y-19-05)
Selected as the cover of the journal “Analytical Methods”
A paper entitled “Novel 90Sr analysis of environmental samples by Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry” by ERAN member Maki Honda of JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Aya Sakaguchi (University of Tsukuba), and others has been published.
This paper was selected as the cover of the latest issue of the journal “Analytical Methods”.
Novel 90Sr analysis of environmental samples by Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry, Maki Honda, Martin Martschini, Oscar Marchhart, Alfred Priller, Peter Steier, Robin Golser, Tetsuya K. Sato, Tsukada Kazuak, Aya Sakaguch, Anal. Methods, 2022, 14, 2732-2738, DOI:10.1039/D2AY00604A
A paper was published in “Nature Sustainability”
A paper titled “Persistent impact of Fukushima decontamination on soil erosion and suspended sediment” was published by ERAN members Bin Feng and Professor Onda of CRiES, University of Tsukuba. [DOI] 10.1038/s41893-022-00924-6
※PRESS RELEASE Jump to University of Tsukuba website!
2024.02.27 The 2023 ERAN Annual Meeting was held
2023.11.29 Press Release: A wide-area prediction model for transpiration of cypress plantations using remote sensing
2023.05.18 The 2023 ERAN kickoff meeting was held.
2023.04.01 Announcement of the establishment of the Center for Research in Radiation, Isotopes, and Earth System Sciences (CRiES)
2023.02.17 The 2022 ERAN Annual Meeting was held
2022.10.11 Obituary: Dr. Michio Aoyama
2022.07.15 A paper has been published in Nature Sustainability!!
2022.01.05 Special Feature: Interview with Dr. Sakaguchi about Preparation of Materials for IAEA PT” is now available.
2022.01.05 Open call for 2022
2021.11.15 IAEA RAS5084 “Assessing and Improving Soil and Water Quality to Minimize Land Degradation and Enhance Crop Productivity Using Nuclear Techniques “および関連する国家プロジェクトに係るデータをERANデータベースにて公開いたしました。
2021.09.09 福島民報新聞「森林重量の調査法開発 福大環境放射能研究所チーム」が掲載されました。
2021.09.09 福島民友新聞「樹木数ドローンで推定 チェルノブイリ調査活用へ 福島大」が掲載されました。
2021.09.08 研究成果「チェルノブイリ立入禁止区域における ドローンを用いた新たな森林バイオマス評価手法を開発」が福島大学よりプレス発表されました。
2021.05.26 2021年度 ERANキックオフミーティングが開催されました。
2021.03.15 2020年度 ERAN年次報告会が開催されました。
2021.03.07 筑波大学、福島大学、JAEAの研究成果が記事になりました:時事通信
2021.02.26 ERAN サンプルアーカイブリストの掲載を開始しました。
2020.11.16 筑波大CRiED、JAEA、福島大IERの研究成果について、日本経済新聞に掲載されました。福島原発事故の放出状況を分析
2020.10.29 筑波大CRiED、JAEA、福島大IERの研究成果について、朝日新聞に掲載されました。福島の放射能濃度低下、チェルノブイリより早く 筑波大
2020.10.29 筑波大CRiED、JAEA、福島大IERの研究成果について、原子力新聞に掲載されました。筑波大他、福島の環境回復をチェルノブイリと比較し分析
2020.10.28 筑波大CRiED、JAEA、福島大IERの研究成果について、日刊工業新聞に掲載されました福島第一原発、セシウム量が急速に減少 筑波大など、放射性物質の動き検証
2020.10.28. 筑波大CRiED、JAEA、福島大IERの研究成果について、福島民友新聞に掲載されました。福島県内「環境回復」…大幅に速く チェルノブイリと『比較』
2020.09.20 JAEA、CRiED、NIESの研究成果が朝日新聞に掲載されました。 朝日新聞デジタルの記事はこちら。
2020.08.25 ホームページを更新しました。
2020.05.20 2020年度 ERANキックオフミーティングを開催いたしました
2020.04.05 2019年度ERAN年次報告会、開催いたしました
2020.02.26 2019年度年次報告会のWEB会議システム開催について(お知らせ)
Interview by JcRIC
The website of the Council of National University Research Institutes and Centers features an interview with Prof. Yuichi Onda of the Center for Isotopes and Environmental Dynamics, University of Tsukuba (posted on Aug. 26, 2021) and Prof. Shinji Tokonami of the Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine, Hirosaki University (posted on Sep. 01, 2021) as “Pioneers of knowledge who are taking on unexplored territories. Please check it out. Please take a look.