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Terrestrial and River

  1. Mitsuyasu, Y., Oka, T., Takahashi, A., Koarai, K., Kino, Y., Okutsu, K., Sekine, T., Yamashita, T., Shimizu, Y., Chiba, M., Suzuki, T., Osaka, K., Sasaki, K., Fujishima, Y., Valerie Swee Ting Goh, Ariyoshi, K., Nakata, A., Yamashiro, H., Shinoda, H., Miura, T., Examination of application of external exposure dose assessment method for individual racoons living in difficult-to-return areas, KEK Proceeding, 2020, https://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/2020/2025/2025004.pdf (F-20-39)*20240620 added
  2. Katengeza, W. E., Sanada, Y., Yoshimura, K., Ochi, K., Iimoto, T., The ecological half-life of radiocesium in surficial bottom sediments of five ponds in Fukushima based on in situ measurements with plastic scintillation fibers, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2020,22, 1566-157610.1039/D0EM00160K(Y-20-22)
  3. Hagiwara, H., Nakanishi, T., Konishi, H., Tsuruta, T., Misonou,T., Fujiwara, K., Kitamura, A., Radiocesium distribution in the sediments of the Odaka River estuary, Fukushima, Japan, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol 220–221, 202010.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106294(F-20-53)
  4. Hagiwara, H., Konishi, H., Nakanishi, T., Fujiwara, K., Iijima, K., Kitamura, A., Mineral composition characteristics of radiocesium sorbed and transported sediments within the Tomioka river basin in Fukushima Prefecture, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol 211, 2020, 10604210.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106042(F-20-53)
  5. Sasaki, T., Matoba, D., Terumi Dohi, T., Fujiwara, K., Kobayashi, T., Iijima, K., Vertical distribution of 90Sr and 137Cs in soils near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol 326, 303–314(2020)10.1007/s10967-020-07294-3(F-20-46)
  6. Sakakibara, K., Iwagami, S., Tsujimura, M., Konuma, R., Sato, Y., Onda, Y., Radiocesium leaching characteristics from broadleaf litter and implication of elevated dissolved radiocesium discharge during rainstorms (F-20-04)
  7. Ikehara, R., Morooka, K., Utsunomiya, S., et. al, Abundance and distribution of radioactive cesium-rich microparticles released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the environment, Chemosphere, Vol 241, 2020, 125019 (F-20-02) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125019Top 10 Paper
  8. 王智慧, 陈飞, 张震, 李玉文, 王延飞, 王雪涛., 环境和生物样品中14C的分析方法初探,首都师范大学学报(自然科学版). 网络首发时间:2020-12-10 (I-20-15) 10.19789/j.1004-9398.2021.05.000
  9. Shinozaki, T., Yamaguchi, N., Sekiguchi, T., Sedimentary Geology Flume experiments test grain-size distribution of onshore tsunami deposits, Sedimentary Geology, Vol 407, 2020, 105750(F-20-11) 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105750
  10. Papry, I. R., Fujisawa, S., Zai, Y., Akhyar, O., Mashio. S. A., Hasegawa, H., Freshwater phytoplankton: Salinity stress on arsenic biotransformation, Environmental Pollution Vol 270, 1 February 2021, 116090(F-20-18) 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116090
  11. Sakuma, K., Yoshimura, K., Nakanishi, T., Leaching characteristics of 137Cs for forest floor affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident: A litterbag experiment, Chemosphere Volume 264, Part 1, 128480 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128480
  12. Taniguchi, K., Onda, Y., Smith, G, H., Blake, W., Yoshimura, K., Yamashiki, Y., Kuramoto, T., Dataset on the 6-year radiocesium transport in rivers near Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Scientific Data vol 7, 433 (2020) 10.1038/s41597-020-00774-x
  13. Onda, Y., Taniguchi, K., Yoshimura, K., Kato, H., Takahashi, J., Wakiyama, Y., Coppin, F., Smith, H., Radionuclides from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in terrestrial systems, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 1, 644–660 (2020).10.1038/s43017-020-0099-x, free-to-read https://rdcu.be/b9iAz


  1. Sambayev, K. Y., Zhumalina, G. A., Zhumadilov, Sh. K, Sakaguchi, A., Kajimoto, T., Tanaka, K., Endo, S., Kawano, N., Hoshi, M., Yamamoto, M ., Temporal variation of atmospheric 7Be and 210Pb concentrations and their activity size distributions at Astana, Kazakhstan in Central Asia, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol 323, 663–674(2020)(F-20-07)10.1007/s10967-019-06968-x
  2. Abe,Y., Onozaki, S., Nakai, I., Adachi, K., Igarashi, Y., Oura, Y., Ebihara, M., Miyasaka, T., Nakamura, H., Sueki, K., Tsuruta, H., Moriguchi, Y., Widespread distribution of radiocesium-bearing microparticles over the greater Kanto Region resulting from the Fukushima nuclear accident, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, vol 8, 13 (2021) 10.1186/s40645-020-00403-6


  1. Dohi T, Ohmura Y, Yoshimura K, Sasaki T, Fujiwara K, et al. (2021) Radiocaesium accumulation capacity of epiphytic lichens and adjacent barks collected at the perimeter boundary site of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station. PLOS ONE 16(5): e0251828. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0251828(F-20-50, F-20-51)
  2. Suno, H., Machida, M., Dohi, T. et al. Quantum chemical calculation studies toward microscopic understanding of retention mechanism of Cs radioisotopes and other alkali metals in lichens. Sci Rep 11, 8228 (2021). DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-87617-w(F-20-50, F-20-51)
  3. Lu, X., YanLiu, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Hu, F., Liu, X., Sun, X., Rainfall partitioning and associated nitrate and sulfate fluxes along a slope gradient in a subtropical broadleaved forest, Journal of Hydrology, Vol 591, December 2020, 125584 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125584(I-20-01)
  4. Sun, X., Zhanga, Z., Cao, Y., Liu, L., Hu, F., Lu, X., Canopy modification of base cations deposition in a subtropical broadleaved forest: Spatial characteristics, canopy budgets and acid neutralizing capacity, Forest Ecology and Management, Vol 482, 15 February 2021, 11886310.1016/j.foreco.2020.118863(I-20-01)
  5. Taira, Y., Matsuo, M., Yamaguchi, t., Yamada, Y., Orita, M., Takamura, N., Radiocesium levels in contaminated forests has remained stable, even after heavy rains due to typhoons and localized downpours, Scientific Reports, vol 10, 19215 (2020)(F20-17)10.1038/s41598-020-75857-1
  6. Teramage, M. T., Onda, Y., Kato, H., Sun, X. Impact of forest thinning on the dynamics of litterfall derived 137Cs deposits in coniferous forest floor after Fukushima accident, Chemosphere, Vol. 239, 124777. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124777, 2020 almost Top 10 Paper


Aquatic organisms

  1. Povinec, P.P., Hirose, K., Aoyama, M., Tateda, Y. Fukushima Accident -10 Years After-, 2021, ISBN:978-0-12-824496-8 DOI: 10.1016/C2017-0-03914-9 (F-20-58, F-19-46)


  1. Miura, H., Ishimaru, T., Ito, Y. et al. First isolation and analysis of caesium-bearing microparticles from marine samples in the Pacific coastal area near Fukushima Prefecture. Sci Rep 11, 5664 (2021). DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-85085-w (Y-20-20>
  2. Naoko Murakami-Sugihara, Kotaro Shirai, Hirofumi Tazoe, Kaoruko Mizukawa, Hideshige Takada, Takeyasu Yamagata, Shigeyoshi Otosaka, Hiroshi Ogawa, Spatiotemporal change of cesium-137 in the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan: The mussel watch approach, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 168, 2021, 112413. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112413 (F-20-26)
  3. Otosaka, S., Kambayashi, S., Fukuda, M., Tsuruta, T., Misonou, T., Suzuki, T., Aono, T., Behavior of Radiocesium in Sediments in Fukushima Coastal Waters: Verification of Desorption Potential through Pore Water, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54, 21, 13778–13785 (F-19-50)10.1021/acs.est.0c05450
  4. Cao, L., Zheng, J., Zhou, Z., Bu, W., Wang, Z., Zheng, W., Yamada, M., Distribution and behavior of plutonium isotopes in Western Pacific marginal seas, CATENA, Vol 198, March 2021, 105023 (I-20-23) 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128907
  5. Ikenoue, T., Takehara, M., Morooka, K., Kurihara, E., Takami, R., Ishii, N., Kudo, N., Utsunomiya, S., Occurrence of highly radioactive microparticles in the seafloor sediment from the pacific coast 35 km northeast of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Chemosphere, Vol 267, March 2021, 128907 (F-20-02) 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128907
  6. Papry, I. R., Omori, Y., Fujisawa, S., Al Mamun,M. A., A., Miah, S., Mashio. S, A.,Teruya, M., Hasegawa, H., Arsenic biotransformation potential of marine phytoplankton under a salinity gradient, Algal Research Volume 47, May 2020, 101842 (F-20-18) 10.1016/j.algal.2020.101842
  7. Takata, H., Aono, T., Aoyama, M., Inoue, M., Kaeriyama, H., Suzuki, S., Tsuruta, T., Wada, T., Wakiyama, Y., Suspended particle–water interactions increase dissolved 137Cs activities in the nearshore seawater during typhoon Hagibis, Environmental Science & Technology, August 2020, 10.1021/acs.est.0c03254


  1. Oka, T., Takahashi, A., Koarai, K., Mitsuyasu, Y., Kino, Y., Sekine, T., Shimizu, Y., Chiba, M., Suzuki, T., Osaka, K., Sasaki, K., Urushihara, Y., Endo, S., Suzuki, M., Shinoda, H., Fukumoto, M., External exposure dose estimation by electron spin resonance technique for wild Japanese macaque captured in Fukushima Prefecture, Radiation Measurements, 2020, 10.1016/j.radmeas.2020.106315 (F-19-31)*20240619 added
  2. Suman Barua, Ismail M.M. Rahman, Maho Miyaguchi, Kouki Yunoshita, Prasongporn Ruengpirasiri, Yuzuru Takamura, Asami S. Mashio, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Speciation of inorganic selenium in wastewater using liquid electrode plasma-optical emission spectrometry combined with supramolecule-equipped solid-phase extraction system, Microchemical Journal, 159, 2020, 105490, DOI:10.1016/j.microc.2020.105490 (F-20-18, I-21-07)
  3. Deng., G., Ma, T., Tanaka, K., Ohnuki, T., Qiu, X., Yu, Q., Saccharide-mediated transformation of Ce during the formation of manganese (hydr)oxide, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 286, 2020, 143-158, 10.1016/j.gca.2020.07.028(F-20-04)
  4. Dohi, T., Tagomori, H., Ohmura, Y., Fujiwara, K., Kanaizuka, S., Iijima, K., Electron Microscopic Analysis of Radiocaesium-bearing Microparticles in Lichens Collected Within 3 km of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, Environmental Radiochemical Analysis VI, pp. 58- 70 (2020)(F20-50) (F20-51)10.1039/9781788017732-00058
  5. Miura, H., Kurihara, Y., Yamamoto, M., Sakaguchi, A., Yamaguchi, N., Sekizawa, O., Nitta, K., Higaki, S., Tsumune, D., Itai, T., Takahashi, Y., Characterization of two types of cesium-bearing microparticles emitted from the Fukushima accident via multiple synchrotron radiation analyses, Scientific Reports, vol 10, 11421 (2020)(Y-20-20) 10.1038/s41598-020-68318-2
  6. Mori, Y., Yoshida, K., Saito, K., M. Miura, M., Kanomata, K., Ahmmad, B., Kubota, S., Hirose, F., Room-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Aluminum Silicate and its Application to Na- and K-Ion Sorption, J. Electrochem. Soc. 167 137502, 2020 10.1149/1945-7111/abb4ab(F-20-19)
  7. Dey, L., Rabi, S., Palit, D., Hazari, S.K.S., Begum, A. Z., Rahman, M. M. I., Roy, T. g., Syntheses, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Ni(II), Cu(II), and Co(III) Complexes with an N-Pendent Azamacrocyclic Chelator, Communicated in Journal of Molecular Structure(I-20-09)
  8. Hayakawa, Y., Yokoyama, A., Yokokita, T., et. al., Production of Np-236 in the 232Th+7Li reaction for standard material in accelerator mass spectrometry, Radiochemistry & Nuclear Chemistry, RIKEN Accel, Prog. Rep.53,(F-20-01)
  9. Kurihara, E., Takehara, M., Utsunomiya, S., et. al., Particulate plutonium released from the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns, Science of The Total Environment, Vol 743, 2020, 140539 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140539(F-20-02)almost Top 10 Paper
  10. Biswas, B. F., Rahman, M.M, I., Nakakubo, K., Endo, M., Nagai, K., Mashio, S. A., Taniguchi, T., Nishimura, T., Maeda, K., Hasegawa, H., Highly selective and straightforward recovery of gold and platinum from acidic waste effluents using cellulose-based bio-adsorbent, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 12456910.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124569,2020(F-20-18)
  11. Biswas, B. F., Rahman, M.M, I., Nakakubo, K., Yunoshita, K., Endo, M., Nagai, K., Mashio, S. A., Taniguchi, T., Nishimura, T., Maeda, K., Hasegawa, H., Selective recovery of silver and palladium from acidic waste solutions using dithiocarbamate-functionalized cellulose, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol 407, 1 March 2021, 12722510.1016/j.cej.2020.127225,2020(F-20-18)
  12. Miah, S., Fukiage, S., A.Begum, A. Z., Murakami, T., Mashi, S. A., Rahman, M.M, I., Hasegawa, H., A technique for the speciation analysis of metal-chelator complexes in aqueous matrices using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometrym, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol 1630, 2020, 46152810.1016/j.chroma.2020.461528,2020(F-20-18)
  13. Barua, S., Rahman, M.M, I., Miyaguchi, M., Yunoshita, K., Ruengpirasiri, P., Takamura, Y., Mashi, S. A., Hasegawa, H., Speciation of inorganic selenium in wastewater using liquid electrode plasma-optical emission spectrometry combined with supramolecule-equipped solid-phase extraction system, Microchemical Journal Vol 159, 105490 10.1016/j.microc.2020.105490,2020(F-20-18)
  14. Begum, Z.A., Rahman, I.M.M., Ishii, K., Tsukada, H., Hasegawa, H., Dynamics of Strontium and geochemically correlated elements in soil during washing remediation with eco-complaint chelators, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 259, April 2020, 110018,10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.110018,2020(F-20-18)Top 10 Paper
  15. Kurihara, E., Takehara, M., Suetake, M., Ikehara, R., Komiya, T., Morooka, K., Takami, R., Yamasaki, S., Ohnuki, T., Horie, K., Takehara, M., Law, G.T.W., Bower, W., W. Mosselmans, J.F., Warnicke, P., Grambow, B., Ewing, R.C., Utsunomiya, S., Particulate plutonium released from the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns, Science of the Total Environment, Vol 743, 15 Nov 2020, 140539,10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140539,2020
  16. Sawai, H., Rahman, I.M.M., Jii, N., Egawa, Y., Mizutani, S., Hasegawa, H., Dynamics of Strontium and geochemically correlated elements in soil during washing remediation with eco-complaint chelators, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol 27, 20149–20159 (2020)(F-20-18) 10.1007/s11356-020-08512-x


  1. Kayama, K., Hashizume, H., Camer, A. G., Endoh, D., An improved gene synthesis method with asymmetric directions of oligonucleotides designed using a simulation program, BIOTECHNIQUESVOL. 69, NO.3, 10.2144/btn-2020-0062(F-20-56)
  2. Chen, F., Wang, X., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Analysis of tritium activity concentrations in urine and internal dose assessment for nuclear power plant workers, Radiation Medicine and Protection Vol 2, 1, March 2021, 1-4 (I-20-15) 10.1016/j.radmp.2020.12.001


  1. Donovan Anderson, Shingo Kaneko, Amber Harshman, Kei Okuda, Toshihito Takagi, Sarah Chinn, James C. Beasley, Kenji Nanba, Hiroko Ishiniwa, Thomas G. Hinton, Radiocesium accumulation and germline mutations in chronically exposed wild boar from Fukushima, with radiation doses to human consumers of contaminated meat, Environmental Pollution, 306, 2022, 119359,DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119359(Y-20-16, E-22-08)
  2. Saito R, Kondo NI, Nemoto Y, Kumada R, Nakajima N, Tamaoki M. Genetic Population Structure of Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) in Fukushima Prefecture. Animals. 2022; 12(4):491. DOI: 10.3390/ani12040491 (Y-19-26, Y-20-23)
  3. Gerke, C. H., Hinton, G. T., Takase, T., Anderson,D., Nanba, K., Beasley, C. J., Radiocesium concentrations and GPS-coupled dosimetry in Fukushima snakes, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Science of The Total Environment, Vol 734, 2020, 13938910.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139389(I-20-06)
  4. Komatsu, K., Iwasaki, T., Murata, K., Yamashiro, H., Goh, VST., Nakayama, R., Fujishima, Y., Ono, T., Kino, Y., Shimizu, Y., Takahashi, A., Shinoda, H., Ariyoshi, K., Kasai, K., Suzuki, M., Palmerini, MG., Belli, M., Macchiarelli, G., Oka, T., Fukumoto, M., Yoshida, MA., Nakata, A., Miura, T., Morphological reproductive characteristics of testes and fertilization capacity of cryopreserved sperm after the Fukushima accident in raccoon (Procyon lotor), Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Dec. 29, (2020) 10.1111/rda.13887(F20-24)
  5. Onuma, M., Endoh, D., Ishiniwa, H., Tamaoki, M., Estimation of Dose Rate for the Large Japanese Field Mouse (Apodemus speciosus) Distributed in the “Difficult-to-Return Zone” in Fukushima Prefecture, The Environmental Pollution Caused by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) Accident in “Low-Dose Radiation Effects on Animals and Ecosystems, Long-Term Study on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”, 17-30 (2020)(F-20-56) 10.1007/978-981-13-8218-5
  6. Stepanenko, V., Kaprin, A., Hoshi, M., et al. Internal doses in experimental mice and rats following exposure to neutron-activated 56MnO2 powder: results of an international, multicenter study, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, vol 59, 683–692(2020)(F-20-07) 10.1007/s00411-020-00870-x
  7. Tanaka, S., Kinouchi, T., Fujii, T. et al. Observation of morphological abnormalities in silkworm pupae after feeding 137CsCl-supplemented diet to evaluate the effects of low dose-rate exposure. Sci Rep 10, 16055 (2020). 10.1038/s41598-020-72882-y (graphical abstract)


  1. Tamaki, H., Kino, Y., Okutsu, K., Yamashita, T., Sekine, T., Analysis of radiocesium in bark and trunk of Quercus serrata tree in Iitate Village, Fukushima, KEK Proceeding, 2020, https://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/2020/2025/2025004.pdf (F-20-39)*20240619 added
  2. Higuchi, K., Volcanic eruptions of Mt. Sakurajima and effects on outdoor radon concentrations, Bulletin of Japan Health Care College 6, 53-59, 2020(F-20-29)