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Terrestrial and River
- Kato, H., Onda, Y., Saidin, Z.H., Sakashita, et al., Six-year monitoring study of radiocesium transfer in forest environments following the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2019 Dec;210:105817, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.015
Almost Top 10 Paper
- Evrard, O., Laceby, J.P., Ficetola, G.F., Gielly, L.,
et al., Environmental DNA provides information on sediment sources: A study in catchments affected by Fukushima radioactive fallout, Science of the Total Environment, 2019 May 15;665:873-881, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.191
Almost Top 10 Paper
- Taniguchi, K., Onda, Y., Smith, H.G., et al., Transport and Redistribution of Radiocesium in Fukushima Fallout through Rivers, Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 53, 21, 12339-12347, 10.1021/acs.est.9b02890
Almost Top 10 Paper
- Koarai, K., Kino, Y., Oka, T., Takahashi, A., Suzuki, T., Shimizu, Y., Chiba, M., Osaka, K., Sasaki, K., Urushihara, Y., Fukuda, T., Isogai, E., Yamashiro, H., Fukumoto, M., Sekine, T., Shinoda, H., Incorporation and Accumulation of Strontium-90 in the Hard Tissue of Animals and Their Relationship with Strontium-90 Pollution in the Environment, Low-Dose Radiation Effects on Animals and Ecosystems, 2019, 10.1007/978-981-13-8218-5_5 (F-19-31)*20240620 added
- Suzuki, B., Tanaka, S., Nishikawa, K., Yoshida, C., Yamada, T., Abe, Y., Fukuda, T., Kobayashi, J., Hayashi, G., Suzuki, M., Urushihara, Y., Koarai, K., Kino, Y., Sekine, T., Takahashi, A., Shimizu, T., Shinoda, H., Saito, K., Isogai, E., Kawasumi, K., Sugimura, S., Yamashiro, H., Fukumoto, M., Transgenerational Effects on Calf Spermatogenesis and Metabolome Associated with Paternal Exposure to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Low-Dose Radiation Effects on Animals and Ecosystems, 2019, 10.1007/978-981-13-8218-5_10 (F-19-31)*20240620 added
- Akata, N., Hasegawa, H., Sugihara, S., Tanaka, M., et al., Tritium, hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions in monthly precipitation samples collected at Toki, Japan , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 184, issue 3-4, 338-341 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz062, 2019
- Colliander, A., Jackson, T.J., Chan, S.K., O’Neill, P., et al., Seasonal Dependence of SMAP Radiometer-Based Soil Moisture Performance as Observed Over Core Validation Sites, IGARSS2019 IEEE, 19155133 , 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8899007, 2019
- Delmas, M., Garcia-Sanchez, L., Onda, Y., Factors controlling the variability of 137 Cs concentrations in 5 coastal rivers around Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 204, 1-11, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.013, 2019
- Evrard, O., Durand, R., Foucher, A., Tiecher, T., Sellier, V., Onda, Y., et al., Using spectrocolourimetry to trace sediment source dynamics in coastal catchments draining the main Fukushima radioactive pollution plume (2011–2017), Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 3290–3301(2019), 10.1007/s11368-019-02302-w
- Funaki, H., Yoshimura, K., Sakuma, K., Iri, S., Oda, Y., Evaluation of particulate 137Cs discharge from a mountainous forested catchment using reservoir sediments and sinking particles, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105814 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.012, 2019
- Hosoda, M., Hozumi, W., Akata, N., Endo, A., et al., Evaluations of inventory and activity concentration of radiocesium in soil at a residential house 3 years after the Fukushima nuclear accident , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 184(3-4), 518-522 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz071, 2019
- Igarashi, J., Zheng, J., Zhang, Z., Ninomiya, K., et al., First determination of Pu isotopes (239Pu, 240Pu and 241Pu) in radioactive particles derived from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Scientific Reports, 9, 10.1038/s41598-019-48210-4, 2019
- Iwagami, S., Onda, Y., Sakashita, W., Tsujimura, M., et al., Six-year monitoring study of 137Cs discharge from headwater catchments after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 106001, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106001, 2019
- Iwagami, S., Tsujimura, M., Onda, Y., et al., Dissolved 137 Cs concentrations in stream water and subsurface water in a forested headwater catchment after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Journal of Hydrology, 573, 688, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.019, 2019
- Iwaoka, K., Palad, L.J.H., Mendoza, C.O., Dela Cruz, F.M., et al., Preliminary radiological survey on high rare-earth containing area in San Vicente, Philippines , Philippine Journal of Science , 148(3), 499-502 , ISSN 0031-7683, 2019
- Jaegler, H., Pointurier, F., Diez-Fernández, S., Gourgiotis, A.,et al., Reconstruction of uranium and plutonium isotopic signatures in sediment accumulated in the Mano Dam reservoir, Japan, before and after the Fukushima nuclear accident, Chemosphere, 225, 849-858, 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.064, 2019
- Jaegler, H., Pointurier, F., Onda, Y., Angulo, J.F., et al., Method for detecting and characterising actinide-bearing micro-particles in soils and sediment of the Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 321, 57-69 , 10.1007/s10967-019-06575-w, 2019
- Jitpukdee, M., Quinram, P., Kranrod, C., Analysis of radiological hazards from surface soils in Khong Chiam and Sirinthon districts, Ubon Ratchathani province, Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 1285 , 10.1088/1742-6596/1285/1/012017, 2019
- Kantardgi, I.G., Zheleznyak, M.I., Anshakov, A.S., Numerical modeling of nonlinear hydrodynamics of the coastal areas , Magazine of Civil Engineering , 3(87), 135 , 10.18720/MCE.87.7, 2019
- Kato, H., Onda, Y., Gao, X., Sanada, Y., Saito, K., Reconstruction of a Fukushima accident-derived radiocesium fallout map for environmental transfer studies, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.105996
- Kim, M., Malins, A., Yoshimura, K., Sakuma, K., et al., Simulation study of the effects of buildings, trees and paved surfaces on ambient dose equivalent rates outdoors at three suburban sites near Fukushima Dai-ichi, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105803 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.001, 2019
- Kim, S., Kim, M., An, H., Chun, K., Oh, H.-J., Onda, Y ., Influence of subsurface flow by Lidar DEMs and physical soil strength considering a simple hydrologic concept for shallow landslide instability mapping, CATENA, 182, 104137 , 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104137, 2019
- Konoplev, A.V., Ivanov, M.M., Golosov, V.N., Konstantinov, E.A., Reconstruction of long-term dynamics of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs in the Upa River using bottom sediments in the Scheckino reservoir and semi-empirical modelling , Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences , 381, 95-99 , 10.5194/piahs-381-95-2019, 2019
- Konoplev, A.V., Yoshihara, T., Wakiyama, Y., Time changes of dose equivalent rate above the soil surface as indication of natural attenuation processes , Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 381, 121-126 , 10.5194/piahs-381-121-2019, 2019
- Koshikawa, M.K., Watanabe, M., Tamaoki, M., Ito, S., et al., Comparison of 0.1 M Stable CsCl and 1 M NH4NO3 as an Extraction Reagent to Evaluate Cs-137 Mobility in Soils, Analytical Sciences, 35(2), 153-158 10.2116/analsci.18P325, 2019
- Kubo, T., Matsuda, N., Kashiwaya, K., Koike, K., et al., Characterizing the permeability of drillhole core samples of Toki granite, Central Japan to identify factors influencing rock-matrix permeability, Engineering Geology, 259, 105163 10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.105163, 2019
- Kurihara, M., Yasutaka, T., Aono, T., Ashikawa, N ., et al., Repeatability and reproducibility of measurements of low dissolved radiocesium concentrations in freshwater using different pre-concentration methods, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 322, 477-485, 10.1007/s10967-019-06696-2, 2019
- Kurikami, H., Sakuma, K., Malins, A., Sasaki, Y., Niizato, T., Numerical study of transport pathways of 137Cs from forests to freshwater fish living in mountain streams in Fukushima, Japan, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 208-209, 106005 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106005, 2019
- Liu, X., Machida, M., Kurikami, H., Kitamura, A., Long-term simulations of radiocesium discharge in watershed with improved radioesium wash-off model: Applying the model to Abukuma River basin of Fukushima, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 203, 135-146 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.001, 2019
- Nakanishi, T., Sakuma, K., Trend of 137Cs concentration in river water in the medium term and future following the Fukushima nuclear accident, Chemosphere, 2019 Jan;215:272-279., 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.10.017
- Nakanishi, T., Sato, S., Matsumoto, T., Temporal changes in radiocesium deposition on the fukushima floodplain, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4), 311-314 10.1093/rpd/ncz086, 2019
- Nakasone, S., Ishimine, A., Ishizu, Y., Shiroma, Y., et al., Recent tritium concentration of monthly precipitation in Japan , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 184, issue 3-4, 334-337 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz087, 2019
- Ndjana Nkoulou, J.E., Ngoa Engola, L., Saïdou, S., Hosoda, M., et al., Simultaneous indoor radon, thoron and thoron progeny measurements in betare-oya gold mining areas, eastern Cameroon , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 185(3), 391-401 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz026, 2019
- Ohnuki, T., Sakamoto, F., Kozai, N., Yamasaki, S., et al., In-situ investigation of radioactive Cs mobility around litter zone in contaminated forest using spent mushroom substrata, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56, 814-821 , 10.1080/00223131.2019.1588799, 2019
- Sakakibara, K., Iwagami, S., Tsujimura, M., Abe, Y., Hada, M., Pun, I., Onda, Y., Groundwater age and mixing process for evaluation of radionuclide impact on water resources following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 223, 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.03.006, 2019
- Sakuma, K., Nakanishi, T., Yoshimura, K., Kurikami, H., et al., A modeling approach to estimate the 137Cs discharge in rivers from immediately after the Fukushima accident until 2017 , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity , Volumes 208-209, 106041 , 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106041, 2019
- Sakakibara, K., Tsujimura, M., Iwagami, S., Sato, Y., Nagano, K., Onda, Y., Effectivity of dissolved SF 6 tracer for clarification of rainfall–runoff processes in a forested headwater catchment, Hydrological Processes, 33, Issue 6, 15 March 2019, 892-904, 10.1002/hyp.13398
- Sakuma, K., Tsuji, H., Hayashi, S., Funaki, H., et al., Applicability of Kd for modelling dissolved 137Cs concentrations in Fukushima river water: Case study of the upstream Ota River, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105815 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.013, 2019
- Saïdou, Shinji, T., Hosoda, M., Yvette Flore, T.S., et al., Natural radiation exposure to the public in the uranium bearing region of Poli, Cameroon: From radioactivity measurements to external and inhalation dose assessment, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 205 , 106305 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.106350, 2019
- Saïdou, Tokonami, S., Hosoda, M., Joseph Emmanuel, N.N.I.I., et al., Natural radiation exposure to the public in mining and ore bearing regions of Cameroon, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4), 391-396 10.1093/rpd/ncz176, 2019
- Somboon, S., Inoue, K., Fukushi, M., Tsuruoka, H., et al., Distribution of uranium in Japanese river waters determined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 319, 1307–1314, 10.1007/s10967-018-6176-7, 2019
- Tagami, K., Tsukada, H., Uchida, S., Quantifying spatial distribution of 137Cs in reference site soil in Asia , CATENA , 180, 341-345 , 10.1016/j.catena.2019.05.009, 2019
- Takeda, A., Unno, Y., Tsukada, H., Takaku, Y., Hisamatsu, S., Speciation of iodine in soil solution in forest and grassland soils in rokkasho, Japan , Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184, issue 3-4, 368-371 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz103, 2019
- Tanaka, K., Kozai, N., Yamasaki, S., Ohnuki, T., et al., Adsorption mechanism of ReO4− on Ni–Zn layered hydroxide salt and its application to removal of ReO4− as a surrogate of TcO4−, Applied Clay Science, 182, 105282 , 10.1016/j.clay.2019.105282, 2019
- Tanaka, M., Akata, N., Iwata, C., Environmental tritium around a fusion test facility , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 184, issue 3-4, 324-327 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz105, 2019
- Tsuji, H., Ishii, Y., Shin, M., Taniguchi, K., et al., Factors controlling dissolved 137Cs concentrations in east Japanese Rivers, Science of The Total Environment, 697, 134093 , 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134093, 2019
- Tsuji, H., Tanaka, A., Komatsu, K., Kohzu, A., et al., Vertical/spatial movement and accumulation of 137Cs in a shallow lake in the initial phase after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 147, 59-69 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.02.009, 2019
- Wakiyama, Y., Konoplev, A., Wada, T., Takase, T., et al., Temporal trends of 137Cs activity concentration in pond waters in the vicinity of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant , Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences , 381, 101-106 , 10.5194/piahs-381-101-2019, 2019
- Wakiyama, Y., Onda, Y., Yoshimura, K., Igarashi, Y., Kato, H., Land use types control solid wash-off rate and entrainment coefficient of Fukushima-derived 137Cs, and their time dependence, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105990, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.105990, 2019
- Yamanouchi, K., Tsujiguchi, T., Shiroma, Y., Suzuki, T., et al., Comparison of bacterial flora in river sediments from fukushima and aomori prefectures by 16s rDNA sequence analysis , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 184(3-4), 504-509 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz114, 2019
- Yang, G., Rahman, M.S., Tazoe, H., Hu, J., et al., 236U and radiocesium in river bank soil and river sediment in Fukushima Prefecture, after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident , Chemosphere , 225, 388-394 , 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.061, 2019
- Abe, K., Hasegawa, H., Akata, N., Kakiuchi, H., et al., A simulation study of deposition parameters for 129i discharged from the rokkasho reprocessing plant, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184 (3-4), 376-379, 10.1093/rpd/ncz061, 2019
- Higuchi, K., Variation analysis of outdoor radon-222 concentration in the Vicinity of Sakurajima, Bulletin of Japan Health Care College 5, 41-48, 2019.
- Higuchi, S., Kamishiro, Y., Ishihara, M., Yasuoka, Y., et al., Evaluation of a radon air monitor in the measurement of radon concentration in water in comparison with a liquid scintillation counter. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 184, 426-429, 10.1093/rpd/ncz070, 2019 (graphic abstract)
- Igarashi, J., Zheng, J., Zhang, Z., Ninomiya, K., et al., First determination of Pu isotopes (239Pu, 240Pu and 241Pu) in radioactive particles derived from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Scientific Reports, 9, 10.1038/s41598-019-48210-4, 2019
- Iwaoka, K., Hosoda, M., Tokonami, S., Enriquez, E.B., et al., Development of calculation tool for respiratory tract deposition depending on aerosols particle distribution, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184 (3-4), 388-390, 10.1093/rpd/ncz074, 2019
- Iwaoka, K., Palad, L.J.H., Mendoza, C.O., Hosoda, M., et al., Absorbed dose rates in air along the roads in Quezon city, Philippines, Philippine Journal of Science, ISSN 0031-7683, 2019
- Nakama, S., Yoshimura, K., Fujiwara, K., Ishikawa, H., Iijima, K., Temporal decrease in air dose rate in the sub-urban area affected by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident during four years after decontamination works, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 208-209, 106013, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106013, 2019
- Okumura, T., Yamaguchi, N., Dohi, T., Iijima, K., Kogure, T., Dissolution behaviour of radiocaesium-bearing microparticles released from the Fukushima nuclear plant, Scientific Reports, 9, Article number: 3520 (2019), 10.1038/s41598-019-40423-x
- Ohara, T., Long-range transport and deposition of air pollution, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), 126-130, 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11352-1, 2019
- Ohtsuka, Y., Aoyama, M., Takaku, Y., Igarashi, Y., et al., 240Pu/239Pu and 242Pu/239Pu atom ratios of Japanese monthly atmospheric deposition samples during 1963–1966, Scientific Reports, 9, 8105, 10.1038/s41598-019-44352-7 , 2019
- Onozaki, S., Abe, Y., Nakai, I., Adachi, K., et al., Investigation of physical and chemical characteristics of radioactive aerosols emitted from reactor unit 1 by fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Bunseki Kagaku, 68, issue 10, 757-768 , 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.68.757, 2019
- Saito, K., Mikami, S., Andoh, M., Matsuda, N., et al., Summary of temporal changes in air dose rates and radionuclide deposition densities in the 80 km zone over five years after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, December 2019, 105878, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.12.020
- Saito, K., Onda, Y., Hisamatsu, S., Preface: Integration of knowledge on the radiological environment around the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant site over a period of six years, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 106003, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106003, 2019
- Sanada, Y., Urabe, Y., Sasaki, M., Ochi, K., Torii, T., Evaluation of ecological half-life of dose rate based on airborne radiation monitoring following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105816, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.014, 2019
- Sasaki, M., Sanada, Y., Yamamoto, A., Application of the forest shielding factor to the maximum-likelihood expectation maximization method for airborne radiation monitoring, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4), 400-404, 10.1093/rpd/ncz095, 2019
- Shao, Y., Yang, G., Xu, D., Yamada, M., Tazoe, H., et al., First report on global fallout 236U and uranium atom ratios in soils from Hunan Province, China, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2019 Feb;197:1-8, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.11.009
- Shiroma, Y., Hosoda, M., Iwaoka, K., Hegedus, M., et al., Changes of absorbed dose rate in air by car-borne survey in namie town, fukushima prefecture after the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184, issue3-4, 527-530 , 10.1093/rpd/ncz096, 2019
- Tamakuma, Y., Yamada, R., Iwaoka, K., Hosoda, M., Tokonami, S., Evaluation of a surface collection efficiency and a stability of flow rate for the commercially available filters used for ambient radioactive aerosols, Japanese Journal of Health Physics, 54(1), 5-12 , 10.5453/jhps.54.5, 2019
- Yokoyama, S., Takahashi, T., Ota, M., Kakiuchi, H., et al., Development of Field Estimation Technique and Improvement of Environmental Tritium Behavior Model, Plasma and Fusion Research, 14, 3405099 , 10.1585/PFR.14.3405099, 2019
- Yoshimura, K., Fujiwara, K., Nakama, S., Applicability of autonomous unmanned helicopter survey of air dose rate in suburban area, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4) , 315-318, 10.1093/rpd/ncz116, 2019
- Wakabayashi, A., Yasuoka, Y., Janik, M., Nagahama, H., Fukuhori, N., et al., Derivation and validity evaluation of calibration factors for activated-charcoal radon collectors. Radioisotopes 68, 317-329, 10.3769/radioisotopes.68.317, 2019 (graphic abstract)
- Miyata, S., Gomi, T., Sidle, R.C., Hiraoka, M., Onda, Y., et al., Assessing spatially distributed infiltration capacity to evaluate storm runoff in forested catchments: Implications for hydrological connectivity, Science of the Total Environment
, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.453
Almost Top 10 Paper
- Kato, H., Onda, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Temporal changes of the ambient dose rate in the forest environments of Fukushima Prefecture following the Fukushima reactor accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 106058 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106058, 2019
- Matsunaka, T., Sasa, K., Takahashi, T., Hosoya, S., et al., Radiocarbon variations in tree rings since 1960 near the Tokai nuclear facility, Japan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 439, 64-69 10.1016/j.nimb.2018.12.009, 2019
- Matsunaka, T., Sasa, K., Takahashi, T., Matsumura, M., et al., Pre-and Post-Accident 14C Activities in tree rings near the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant, Radiocarbon, 1633, 10.1017/RDC.2019.147, 2019
- Murakami, M., Miyata, T., Kobayashi, N., Tanoi, K., et al., The Spatial Distribution of Radiocesium Over a Four-Year Period in a Forest Ecosystem in North Fukushima After the Nuclear Power Station Accident, Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (III) , 141-152, 10.1007/978-981-13-3218-0_13, 2019
- Nishikiori, T., Hayashi, S., Watanabe, M., Yasutaka, T., Impact of clearcutting on radiocesium export from a Japanese forested catchment following the Fukushima nuclear accident, PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0212348, 2019
- Nishikiori, T., Watanabe, M., Koshikawa, M.K., Watanabe, K., et al., 137 Cs transfer from canopies onto forest floors at Mount Tsukuba in the four years following the Fukushima nuclear accident, Science of the Total Environment, 659, 783-789 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.359, 2019
- Ohnuki, T., Sakamoto, F., Kozai, N., Nanba, K., et al., Role of filamentous fungi in migration of radioactive cesium in the Fukushima forest soil environment, Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 21, 1164-1173 10.1039/c9em00046a, 2019
- Paterne, M., Evrard, O., Hatté, C., Laceby, P.J., Nouet, J., Onda, Y., Radiocarbon and radiocesium in litter fall at Kawamata, ~ 45 km NW from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant (Japan), Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , 319, 1093–1101 10.1007/s10967-018-6360-9, 2019
- Taira, Y., Inadomi, Y., Hirajou, S., Fukumoto, Y., Orita, M., Yamada, Y., Takamura, N., Eight years post-Fukushima: Is forest decontamination still necessary?, Journal of Radiation Research, 60, 705, 10.1093/jrr/rrz047, 2019
- Takahashi, J., Onda, Y., Hihara, D., Tamura, K., Six-year monitoring of the vertical distribution of radiocesium in three forest soils after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 210, 105811 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.09.009, 2019
- Yang, G., Hu, J., Tsukada, H., Tazoe, H., Shao, Y., Yamada, M., Vertical distribution of 129I and radiocesium in forest soil collected near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant boundary, Environmental Pollution, 250, 578-585 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.04.053, 2019
- Yoschenko, V., Ohkubo, T., Kashparov, V., et al., Radioactive contaminated forests in Fukushima and Chernobyl, Journal of Forest Research, 23, 3-14 10.1080/13416979.2017.1356681, 2019
- Yoshihara, T., Kurita, K., Matsumura, H., Yoschenko, V., et al., Assessment of gamma radiation from a limited area of forest floor using a cumulative personal dosimeter, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 204, 95-103 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.023, 2019
- Yoshihara, T., Yoschenko, V., Watanabe, K., Keitoku, K., A through year behavior of 137 Cs in a Japanese flowering cherry tree in relation to that of potassium, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2019 Jun;202:32-40, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.01.013
- Dainese, M., Martin, E.A., Aizen, M.A., Albrecht, M., et al., A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production, Science Advances, Vol. 5, no. 10, eaax0121, http://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aax0121
- Kritsananuwat, R., Kranrod, C., Chanyotha, S., Ploykrathok, T., Sriploy, P., Natural radionuclides in agricultural plants from northern Thailand , Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184 (3-4), 397-399 10.1093/rpd/ncz081, 2019
- Kurokawa, K., Nakao, A., Tsukada, H., Mampuku, Y., Yanai, J., Exchangeability of 137Cs and K in soils of agricultural fields after decontamination in the eastern coastal area of Fukushima , Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 65, issue 4, 401-408 10.1080/00380768.2019.1622402, 2019
- Matsuzaki, S.-I.S., Kohzu, A., Kadoya, T., Watanabe, M., et al., Role of wetlands in mitigating the trade‐off between crop production and water quality in agricultural landscapes, Ecosphere, 10(11), e02918 https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2918, 2019
- Nagayama, T., Nakamura, A., Yamaji, N., Satoh, S., et al., Changes in the Distribution of Pectin in Root Border Cells Under Aluminum Stress , Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.3389/fpls.2019.01216, 2019
- Ni, Y., Wang, Z., Zheng, J., Tagami, K., et al., The transfer of fallout plutonium from paddy soil to rice: A field study in Japan, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 196(2019) 22-28, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.10.010
- Noda, Y., Aohara, T., Satoh, S., Furukawa, J., Application of the Artificial Annual Environmental Cycle and Dormancy-Induced Suppression of Cesium Uptake in Poplar , Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident (III), 95-105 10.1007/978-981-13-3218-0_10, 2019
- Ogasawara, S., Eguchi, T., Nakao, A., Fujimura, S., et al., Phytoavailability of 137Cs and stable Cs in soils from different parent materials in Fukushima, Japan, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2019 Mar;198:117-125, 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.12.028
- Quinram, P., Jitpukdee, M., Pornnumpa, C., Kranrod, C., Risk assessment to natural radiation exposure from soil samples in the Jasmine rice cultivated area, Roi Et province, Thailand , Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1285, 10.1088/1742-6596/1285/1/012014, 2019
Aquatic organisms
- Fuma, S., Soeda, H., Watanabe, Y., Kubota, Y., Aono, T., Dose rate estimation of freshwater wildlife inhabiting irrigation ponds in the exclusion zone of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 203, 172-178, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.03.015, 2019
- Hasegawa, H., Papry, R.I., Ikeda, E., Omori, Y., et al., Freshwater phytoplankton: biotransformation of inorganic arsenic to methylarsenic and organoarsenic, Scientific Reports, 9, 10.1038/s41598-019-48477-7, 2019
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- Ariyoshi, K., Miura, T., Kasai, K., Fujishima, Y., Nakata, A., Yoshida, M., Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect is Mediated by Mitochondrial DNA in Exosome-Like Vesicles, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-019-45669-z
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- Itahashi, S., Yumimoto, K., Kurokawa, J.-I., Morino, Y., et al., Inverse estimation of NO x emissions over China and India 2005–2016: contrasting recent trends and future perspectives, Environmental Research Letters, 14, 12, 10.1088/1748-9326/ab4d7f, 2019
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- Shimotori, K., Imai, A., Kohzu, A., Komatsu, K., et al., Long-term observations of the vertical distributions of mineral elements and phosphorus dynamics in sediments in a shallow eutrophic lake in Japan, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 1566-1575 10.1007/s11368-018-2159-0, 2019
- Sohrabi, M., Kashiwakura, I., Tokonami, S., Ninth international conference on high levels of environmental radiation areas; for understanding chronic low-dose-rate radiation exposure health effects and social impacts, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(3-4), 275-276, 10.1093/rpd/ncz123, 2019
- Sutthasil, N., Chiemchaisri, C., Chiemchaisri, W., Wangyao, K., et al., The effectiveness of passive gas ventilation on methane emission reduction in a semi-aerobic test cell operated in the tropics, Waste Management, 87, 954-964 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.12.013, 2019
- Tsujiguchi, T., Yamanouchi, K., Kashiwakura, I., Developing an Educational Program to Help Students Learn about the Resident Evacuation Protocols and Contamination Inspection Undertaken during Nuclear Disasters, Japanese Journal of Health Physics, 54(2), 129-134, 10.5453/jhps.54.129, 2019